
Posts Tagged ‘yoga DVD’

Day 1–Success!

OK, to be honest, it would have to be a success, wouldn’t it? I mean I’m blogging about it…We’ll see what happens by day 5. But, it was a success. Took the silly puppy out for a nice long walk first thing in the morning. We came back and he ate, which I was hoping the combination of exercise and food would make him sleepy. Combine that with the fact that he is not a morning dog (how is he my animal?), I was able to do a 45 minute yoga DVD without too much harassment from the dog. I also used an older mat that has already been attacked by my cats. What’s up with my animals hating on yoga?

It felt good to practice again, even with this cold that everyone else seems to have too. I can definitely feel where my body has tightened up (hamstrings, especially in the left side, left hip) and where my balance is off (on the left side). I know this is a result of scoliosis; the right side of my body is stronger than my left. My first Downward Dog of the morning was painful…more emotionally than physically. It used to be so effortless.

I’m trying to not feeling guilty for falling out of my yoga routine, which is difficult given I spent so much time as a child with my Jewish grandmother. 🙂 (Just kidding, miss you, Gran.) Instead, any progress I make will be celebrated! And I think setting a realistic, easily achievable schedule will help me get back into a routine and I can build from there. I’m going to practice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (the days I don’t have my internship) and one day over the weekend. That’s do-able!

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