
Archive for September 22nd, 2009

So about a year ago I was working full time, not yet in grad school, and able to wake up at 5:30 every morning to practice yoga. It was great–I found this amazing website (www.yogatoday.com) that offered free yoga classes every day, and I practiced faithfully Monday through Friday. Saturday mornings I would go to a yoga studio by my old apartment (www.exercisestudio1.com). I saw a lot of progress in my practice and was getting very close to my goal of headstand (without the support of a wall).

But then…you know how it goes. There were only so many free classes on Yoga Today and I started to get bored. All is takes is just one day to hesitate and instead of getting up, set your cell phone alarm a little later and cuddle up under your covers. That extra hour of sleep always seemed like such a great idea at the time, but I didn’t feel quite the same even with the extra sleep–sluggish, irritated (and it’s easy to feel irritated when you get out of the train at 34th Street every day), and just all around blah.

So that was then. Now things are different. I left my job to go to school full time. I’m doing an internship. So now I have the time, but not the money. Yoga Today changed their format–one free class a week or an unlimited subscription for about $10 a month, which isn’t all that much considering the price of just one yoga class in Manhattan can be about twice that much.

My other challenge to practicing at home: Charlie.


My beloved 6-month-old puppy who thinks my yoga mat is his own personal chew toy and tugs at my ponytail while I’m in Downward Facing Dog. Goofball.

So those are my main challenges. Any suggestions?

In the meantime I’m going to research yoga studios in my new neighborhood and figure out a realistic practice schedule.

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